Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lyman Sisters in Florida Oct 2010

Here we are in Fort Myers, Florida in one of Becky and Keith's beautiful condos. Becky and Keith Jr. are preparing a meal.
Polly is getting her day started with breakfast.

Our first beach was beautiful. This place is a paradise.

Floating on the air mattresses is the order of the day.

There are great Good Will Stores everywhere. Apparently a lot of old rich retired people move to Florida, and when they die, they leave a lot of great stuff for these stores to recycle.

Becky found this great ceramic bowl. Too bad my luggage was only a carry on, or I would have brought a lot more stuff home.

This is the Fort Myers beach. It is more commercial and seemed a little dirtier to me. There are lots of fun shops and eating establishments here. Lots of jelly fish and sting rays floating around here, so you have to really watch your step.

This is a catfish a fisherman caught. What a face.

You can see the sting rays in the sand. This one is very small. You have to be sure to do the "sting ray shuffle" when you walk these waters. They are not aggressive, but if you happen to step on one, they will whip their long spiney tail back at you and apparently it is very painful to be stung by one.

Polly is considering purchasing distressed property in Fort Myers. There are some beautiful new condos for sale at a fraction of the cost they were originally.

This is a back and side view of Becky and Keiths condo that we stayed in. B & K own 2 other condos that they are currently renting out. I hear they just bought a 4th condo. They are quite the land barrons.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job! We love to see what you guys are up to as well. Blogging is a great way to stay in touch and we hope you'll keep it up. I know it takes forever but you're family will love it.
